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Summer Series: The Razor

How to have a bikini body? Have a body and go to the beach! Kicking off our summer series, we would like to talk about the stigma that makes a lot of women feel uncomfortable during summer. Sometimes it's not even our weight but blemishes, cellulite, scars. When did we become so concerned about stuff that is completely natural? To help you feel more confident and put on that brazilian-bikini (yes), we listed some summer tips that will boost your beauty. Each week we will give you tips to tackle a different concern, and today we will start with a topic a lot of us struggle with; Using a razor correctly.

Bikini line: If you are still using a razor to shave your bikini area, be aware that this method contributes to blemishes and ingrowth hair. If you can't stand the pain of a waxing session, use products that will minimize the damage to your skin. Avoid going in the sun straight after shaving, and always use a disinfected blade.

To do list:

1) Clean your razor with alcohol

2) Exfoliate

3) Take a Warm Shower

4) Apply a Shaving Cream

5) Use anti-ingrowth solution.


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