The Cellulite Edit!

Yes, you read it right. You have it, your mama has it, everybody has at least a little bit of cellulite to flaunt. On this guide we aim to help you gain self-confidence but above all, also make you feel comfortable if you want to reduce your lady marks. Here is everything you need to know about cellulite:

So, what is cellulite?
Cellulite is a term for the formation of lumps and dimples in the skin and although is not exclusively on females, 80% to 90% of women may experience cellulite at some point in their lives ( A LOT of us!).

What causes cellulite?

You have heard it again and again, your diet! Sugar, soft drinks and foods high in sodium contribute massively to your cellulite appearance. Smokers also tend to get more dimples but genetic factors, hormones and excess fat also play a huge role.

How to identify your cellulite grade?

Grade 1, or mild: There is an “orange-peel” appearance, with between 1 and 4 superficial depressions but it only appears when skin is pinched or compressed.

Grade 2, or moderate: There are between five and nine medium-depth depressions and is visible with minimum movement.

Grade 3, or severe: The skin is severely draped and dips are visible alternating the appearance of the skin.

How can I treat it?

The first step towards treatment is accepting that cellulite is completely normal and that you shouldn't let something so common affect your self-confidence. With that said, as long as you would like to adapt to a new lifestyle or give a try to reduce their appearance there a loads of things that will help but scientifically still won't make them fully disappear.

Lymphatic massages - This is a great way to reduce cellulite. With the help of a good masseuse and a caffeine cream, the massage works by "breaking" the fat and increase the flow of the lymph while also reducing toxins in your body. (Book via My Beauty Squad!)

Dump soft drinks - Yup FOREVER! Increasing your water consumption and avoiding soft drinks will reduce your cellulite appeareace and smooth out your skin. Our CEO Keila Doyle swears by it and says she saw very good improvements since taking that simple change. "Since I stopped drinking Coke and sugary snacks, within weeks I could see my cellulite highly reduce" - says Keila.

Legs and glutes exercises: Another good and effective way is to work out. By strengthening your muscles in areas prone to cellulite appearance, you improve circulation and tighten the skin around that region.

Creams: Now that you know all the things that you can do to help the appearance why not add a cellulite improving cream to your daily beauty routine? Here are some we recommend:

Whether you embrace your dimples or want to get rid of them, the choice is yours. Here at My Beauty Squad we like to give you the tools to be whatever you want to be and remind you to love yourself first! #squadgoals

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