POWER SERIES: Aesthetics with Beautox

A woman-owned and founded company could not run without the help and successes of other women. We use our platform to ensure that women in business are seen and heard.

Introducing Vidhya and Rishita

How did you decide to get into the field of medical aesthetics?

Vidhya: Both Rishita and I worked together as doctors in the same NHS hospital and department. We hit it off straightaway and found we had a great working dynamic, and as a result quickly became close friends.

We soon realised our mutual interest in medical aesthetics. After months of contemplation and planning, we decided to take the leap in starting our own practice, Beautox - a clinic that combined our passion with the skills we have attained over our years in training as doctors.

Although aesthetic treatments are gaining much more mainstream attention, they do unfortunately still carry their own burden of stigma. Often, it is because these procedures are misunderstood amongst the general population as always resulting in the stereotypical ‘frozen face’ or ‘plastic’ look. As such, we looked to build not just an ethical and professional practice, but also a platform where we are able to educate and show our community that that simple tweaks and adjustments can go a long way to restore or enhance your innate beauty, to give natural looking yet refreshing results.

Over the years aesthetic treatments have drastically increased in younger girls, how has this had an impact in the way you handle certain situations? Such as maybe turning down some clients due to their age, or advising them to wait a while longer etc.

Rishita: Medical skincare and injectables are now becoming increasingly popular in a much younger age group. It should be noted that all of our procedures are licensed for use among adults (i.e. above the age of 18).

Nevertheless, considering procedures such as ‘Botox‘ (botulinum toxin) in your twenties could provide effective long-term results, as they act to prevent the effects of ageing, vs. correcting them. In such cases where this is an appropriate treatment, we will likely advise on a ‘scaled back’ regime where clients will have smaller quantities of toxin, or ‘baby Botox’, at more spaced out intervals. Additionally, incorporating simple daily practices, e.g. wearing broad-spectrum sunscreen, can also result in significant , long-term benefits to skin health, especially when started at an early age.

When approached by very young patients, for example those in their late teenage years, we are fairly cautious in our approach to medical skincare and injectables. We do recognise that unrealistic aesthetic results are commonly portrayed in the media and are more impressionable upon young adults who are far more familiar with social media platforms. We thus look to explore each patient’s concerns and expectations with sensitivity via an in-depth consultation. By practicing ethically we ensure all our patients are educated with regards to the procedure they are undertaking and are informed about the potential risks and benefits.

What’s the most rewarding part of your job?

Vidhya: Our patients’ transformations - On the surface of it, the change in their appearance, but most importantly, seeing that boost in our patients’ confidence is what gives us the most satisfaction. Let’s face it, no aesthetic treatment is ‘necessary’ as such; yet for the people that choose to have them, much of the transformation comes from the way they feel about themselves, and this is ultimately what matters.

What would you say are the most

important things to consider before getting aesthetic treatments?



Research! Educate yourself using reliable sources on the treatments you are seeking, as well as potential alternatives. It should also be noted that although relatively rare, aesthetic procedures carry a small risk of adverse effects. An initial consultation is therefore essential to discuss potential treatment options with your practitioner, and how these may be managed.

Your Clinician

Finding the right medical practitioner is vital. Being a trained medical professional operating from a well-equipped clinic is the bare minimum. A good practitioner is one that acts only in your best interests. We are a fast-growing practice, but we are by no means able to offer the complete spectrum of skincare treatments available. However, by acknowledging our limitations and striving to stay up to date in this constantly evolving field, we always seek ensure optimal results for our patients - even if this requires us to refer them to alternative avenues when necessary.

Less is More

Explore simple treatments and minute adjustments vs. drastic measures, e.g. non surgical over surgical treatments – they may give the same, (if not better) results!

Not to mention, a simple skin care routine with the addition of just a few actives can aid in effectively controlling many skin concerns, such as poor skin texture, dullness, and in a long-term setting, the effects of skin ageing. Furthermore, taking on a holistic approach, taking into consideration diet, exercise and adjustment of other environmental factors may help to address your skin concerns.

Don't Be Afraid

On the matter of injectables, the idea of a needle coming near your face can be quite frightening! Once you are confident that you are in the safe hands of a trained medical professional, stay rest assured. Our patients are often surprised at how quick and painless injectable procedures can actually be; for some treatments, adjuncts such as numbing cream may also be used to ensure comfort.


Whether you are seeking an injectable treatment, or looking to manage a skin concern through a skincare program, be patient. Although, procedures such as dermal fillers can produce instant ‘results’, achieving the desired outcome can still take time. It requires a joint contribution of careful planning, communication and patience between yourself, as the client and your practitioner.

What’s your power?


Our Partnership

We understand that business partnerships can be tricky - between Rishita and I, we have luckily struck a good balance of skill set and complementing personalities, such that we are able to drive the Beautox brand forward. The added bonus of being close friends allows for greater tolerance and flexibility between us, particularly in understanding each other’s work commitments outside of our clinic.

Our Values

With the countless number of aesthetic clinics offering similar services, the main factor influencing patient choice is essentially finding a practice with values and principles that a) act in their best interest, and b) resonate with them the most. Continuing our work in the NHS alongside running our clinic highlights the core ethical principle on which we operate as doctors; patient centered care. It is so important to the both of us to ensure that this value is reflected in our conduct at Beautox.

Our Backing

Whether it is our friends and family, or the various stakeholders of Beautox, we fortunately have an incredibly long list of well wishers! Establishing

a practice in the heart of London is difficult. However, it is the ongoing support of those at the Aura Centre (where Beautox is based), plus the strong sense of community amongst the local businesses and people of St John’s Wood, that has been essential for our growth – and for this, we cannot not thank them all enough!

Background Information

Vidhya and I are the doctors behind Beautox, a medical aesthetics clinic in St John’s Wood, London specialising in injectables and skincare. In addition to running our practice, we continue to work in the NHS and are pursuing our respective surgical specialties of interest.

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